Saturday, November 27, 2010

Cape Leveque, part two...

Some more images from the Cape...

 spot the lighthouse...

 beach fishing doesn't get better than this...


  1. Can't believe the photos, I am speechless(and that doesn't happen too often!). Love the sky ones, & Cloe & Kai on the beach, they look as though they are loving their holiday. The first photo of ýour car "lightening" could be at an oasis in the desert, the colour of it fits in with the sky etc. Then your photos of lightening are great too, you are working that camera well Andrew. Just can't believe the colours, still a feast for the eyes. Thank you so much for doing this, if we never get to go there, you have given us a wonderful look around. Love you all, the Willys x x x x

  2. Gidday to the Griffos,

    I'm so glad to read that the parts were finally fitted and you were on your way again. You all had a long drive to Exmouth. It must've been fun travelling all of that way. The photos of Cape Leveque were amazing; the colours so magic! I loved the speed hump sign. That must've made you laugh! Cloe and Kai must've been excited about arriving at your beach shelter. You adventurous bunch you! The fishing on the beach looked great; secluded yet so tranquil, a piece of heaven to call your own. Your visit to Cygnet Bay looked fascinating. I know that I would've gone missing with my wallet as well when the pearls came out. Cloe's look on her face at the hatchery was intriguing; the marine life looked wonderful. It was great to hear that you caught your fish Griffo and you all had a good feed. It must've been great family time staying in the beach shelter. It was good to see you catch a fish as well Sonia and Cloe and Kai showing it off to us back here in Adelaide. The shots of the beach and cape are remarkable; you've done so well to take such amazing pictures, you're so talented! Hey, it's great to be in touch with you all while you're so far away. I wish that I could be up there to see it for myself, but the blogging is such a fantastic idea! Thanks for being a referee for my scholarship Griffo. I'll keep you posted on my progress. Meanwhile you all continue to have a great time on your journey and I'll look forward to seeing you when you get back in the distant future. Keep safe and happy travelling to the Griffos.


