Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A couple of snaps from Broome...

We are enjoying Cable Beach. Cloe and Kai rode Ollie the 20 year old Camel. They were most pleased because he is a movie star featured in the movie "Australia".

On another matter, the parts for "Lightening"have arrived...with some help from our mechanical friends we should be back on the road as early as tomorrow.

What has been quite amazing are the vivid colours of Broome. Only to be surpassed by the colours of Cape Leveque...our next blog...


  1. Gidday to the Griffo's,

    It's great to read another blog from you all and see that you're well and truly in holiday mode in Broome. It must've been awesome to ride Ollie. Once again you've inspired me with some fascinating shots of the landscape. Cloe looks happy as well. I'm pleased that the parts for "Lightening" have finally arrived. You should be on your way again soon! That's good news. I can't wait for the next instalment of National Griffos Vacation. I'm really interested in reading your blogs and keeping up to date with your adventures. Take it easy and happy travelling.



  2. Hey Griffos!
    We received your postcard (dated 11 Nov) ok - thanks very much indeed, really thoughtful.
    Were thinking your beautiful blog pics are all like postcards and this one suddenly bobbed up.
    Aren't Cloe and Kai getting a wonderful education and fun experiences out of your holiday adventure!
    And, a few valuable testing times as well(not so much fun). And so, by now, you're probably fixing to move on (repairs hopefully completed).
    Trust all your new adventures will be happy and exciting.
    We'll miss you at the Test Match lunch this year Griffo! Certainly missing Sonia's haircuts etc!
    Luv to all, safe and happy trails.

  3. Thanks Ian, the least we could do, thanks for keeping an eye on our place.
