Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Barra, snakes, crocs and frogs...

Our first Barra, the second was even larger.  Sonia signing on!!  yes it was really good! One fillet made a meal for us; fantastic. Froze the rest.
 Here is the fondly called 'Hannibal'; estimated 100 yr old 6 metre 'salty' which we have just learned are actually cannibals.  This is the oldest and biggest known croc of this area and we got very up close and personal; perhaps a bit too close!! 

 plenty of flora esp these lilies in Corroboree Billabong
 This 2 1/2 metre olive python kept Andrew and the kids amused! 

All these frogs were in the toilets (a favourite hangout much to Cloes's and Kai's delight)

 Ubirr sunset.  Learnt that during Crocodile Dundee this was where Mick pointed and said 'this is my land".  Andrew here; A guide told us they had to do that take twice because one of the original owners (aboriginal elder) who was standing next to the camera crew, when hearing Mick's statement said....."Bull#$#!"

 This rock-art is over 2000 years old. Note the lumps and bumps which represent tumors. This painting is a warning to aboriginals that some areas in this region are the "sick-land". Interestingly where the warnings are, is where they are mining Uranium.
If you look closely, you can see the various foods of this area.

1 comment:

  1. Still loving the photos. I have come to the conclusion I love 'çloud' shots, & those including water are tops! Sorry, but you can keep the wildlife, especially the snakes, I don't care what type they are. You certainly got up close & personal with the crocs, they are something else again! The frogs look cute, they looked like they were posing for the photo. Cloe & Kai don't look bad either, though how they can smile with a snake around their neck beats me. Glad you got the proof shot of the barra, that is one huge fish, thanks for taking it beside the car, we get to appreciate the size. You have certainly seen a lot, happy trails, love the Willys x x x x
