Sunday, December 5, 2010

From Broome to Exmouth

Along the coast from Coral Bay to Exmouth

 Where did the road go?

 Three of these provide Coral Bay with their power supply
 Prawns are worth catching at Exmouth...

Andrew catching dinner
fun in the sand
 Spot the Joey

Sandy Bay
On the beach front
Some friendly neighbours hoping in for a drink!

 Can you see the moon?
 Ready for snorkeling

 Our last night at Broome

Sweet dreams

Congratulations FORD

 Another Championship win...2010


  1. Hello Andrew, Sonia, Cloe & Kai, what an amazing time you are having, you all look so happy & relaxed. Can't get over the scenery, what a wonderful country we live in. It must be great to take your van onto the beach, then go out & catch dinner; Andrew, you are in your element. Continue to enjoy! Peter tried to ring yesterday, what a race. Go Courtney, GO FORDS! Until next time, love to you all, the Willys

  2. What beautiful pictures of a stunning part of our country. You must be starting to have thoughts of returning home soon in the New Year. We will be here waiting to welcome you! Andrew and Deb
