Sunday, November 14, 2010

A Birthday in Broome...

Thanks to Azman the mechanic in Fitzroy Crossing who towed us to Broome, we were able to celebrate a wonderful 8th Birthday. Thanks Azman. parts still haven't arrived...


  1. Happy 8th birthday Cloe, it looks like a party van! Looks as though Cloe had a great birthday, lots of new friends to share it with her, plus a kiss from Kai! Glad you made it to Broome, and hope the parts turn up soon. It should be a better place to wait anyway. Love to you all, the Willys x x x x

  2. Thanks for sharing guys, what a wonderful life experience you are making with your family. We have enjoyed watching you progress! Happy Birthday to Chloe too. God Bless Marty and Lauren

  3. Gidday to the Griffo's,

    Despite the parts not having arrived yet, it was great to see that you made it to Broome and are enjoying yourselves. You must be patient! You've waited a long time for those parts. I hope that they arrive soon. Happy birthday Cloe. I love the photos. It was fantastic to see all of those happy faces. Where did all of the children come from? Where did you meet all of those people? Anyway, keep persevering with your adventures you happy travellers. Oh, by the way, I've finished my studies for the year and can't wait for your next post. Keep them coming. Thinking of you all.


