Saturday, November 27, 2010

On the road again...

The parts are installed and we are heading South. We travelled for 8 hours yesterday and made it to Exmouth.
The following photos are from Cape Leveque...

 The road to Cape Leveque; it was more vibrant than the red centre!
 Classic speed hump sign just as we drove in to the camp site! 
The drive down to the camp site before we hit the really soft sand...
Our beach shelter; lots of sand and it was so hot we could hardly walk on it in the middle of the day.  We had our own shower in the corner; forget the shower curtain!!
 Our view from inside the shelter;  BBQ plate on a swivel on top of the campfire
 Afternoon fishing on a practically deserted beach
Our visit to Cygnet Bay, 'Cygnature' Pearl Farm was really interesting.  Mother of pearl shells which are used to culture the pearls; biggest white ones in the world.  The challenge was to see if you could pick up the cage so of course Kai rose to the occasion!
All of the girls being tempted to buy the pearls; the boys suddenly went missing...(with the wallets)
Different types of shapes and colours; we were told its all about 'lustre'
 The $135 000 strand; and of course you are meant to match this with the ear rings and ring!  It was fun to try them on anyway....
 Our visit to the hatchery with barra, turtles and all sorts of marine life

 The touch tank where the kids were able to hold various creatures

 don't get too close to this one!
A sea eagle keeping Andrew company while fishing; hoping to get some of his golden travelley which we enjoyed that night on the bbq
 A storm brewing; fish on the bbq yum; lighting photos to follow
 The working light house just behind us on the cape
 Just on sunset I managed to catch a travelley
 Kids holding it proudly
 The western beach; currents too strong for swimming.  More to follow....


  1. My beautiful family, love you guys and seeing your amazing adventures......memories forever, incredible photos, dad would love every moment of this dood....xxxx love you, miss you xxx

  2. What amazing photos! The contrast of colours is brilliant, sea, sand & cliffs. Cloe is in her element with the sea creatures. It all seems unreal looking at your photos, what an adventure you are having. Wonder if the beach shelter kept much of the storm out, they are a great idea. Good fishing Son, I am sure Andrew is loving it too. Don't really blame the men for going awol with their wallets, though they might have had some smaller pearls maybe? Good lifting Kai, they are huge shells aren't they! Classic speed hump sign, should have them around here like that. Hope you're missing the storms, happy safe travelling, love the Willys
