Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Hot, hot....hot

Still at Fiztroy Crossing. Parts didn't arrive today, let's hope tomorrow.

Getting to appreciate what hot is. Yesterday F.C. held the highest temperature in the State at 44. Today I have just been told by the Caravan Park Caretaker that it is 49 and it feels like it...

Fortunately we have aircon in the van and it is able to cool us down to 25.


  1. Hello all,
    Hope the parts you needed arrived, what a hot place to be staying in, is it dry heat or moist heat? Either way, it would be sapping your energy, you will need the enforced rest to cope. You would be thankful for the air conditioner, Peter has often said, imagine being an explorer! Hope that you have a pool, I googled Fitzroy Crossing, doesn't sound like there is too much to see there either. I also checked the weather up there, still holding in the 40's for this week. Come on parts! Thinking of you all, love the Willys

  2. /Sitting in at Grandmas, having a cup o' tea. Just looked through your new photo's, amazing journey you are having. More than amazing that you all are ok, and your car and caravan as well - that was a bonus!! Hope your Fitzroy Crossing visit isn't too long. As mum said, you need good running shoes - like Suzanne. Hope Cloe has a happy eigth birthday on Sunday - yes you guessed, Mum remembered!! Hopefully she can celebrate it at Broome.We have had a nice cool change here, it's 23 degrees.School is wrapping up and harvest is around the corner. Look forward to the next episode of Griffos Adventures.

  3. Gidday to the Griffos,

    Well, I'm back in action and it looks like you're all having a great time up there! I've had my head down with an assignment for my studies. I'm impressed by the photos of the wildlife and natural colours of the landscape. You must've felt refreshed after swimming in the falls and waterhole. Did you get 'lost' in the Lost City??!! The gorge in Katherine looks absolutely beautiful. Yes, I'm a bird lover and those photos continues to impress. The photos of Cloe and Kai look great as well. Either you've got a great camera or you're an extraordinary photographer. It was good to finally see you in a shot Griffo. Daly Waters looks like an exciting place to visit. It was fantastic to see you park "Lola" in good company in between the Land Rover army trucks. I remember "Charlie" from Crocodile Dundee when he was hypnotized and that water park looked great. Hey, the video works and you wouldn't catch me sitting on that toilet. I can't believe the size of that fish and the next one was even bigger??!! It must've been a great feeling bringing it in. The photos of "Hannibal" look scary. I love the look on Kai's face with the python around his neck. How tranquil does that sunset look??!! It was striking. I wish that I was there to see it for myself. I like your sense of humour Griffo about the Aboriginal elder and the rock art looked incredible. Wow, I'm really impressed. I've heard that Lake Argyle is the largest man made lake in Australia and bigger than Sydney Harbour. I'd love to go up there one day! "Russian Jack" sounded like a story of good old Aussie spirit and determination. The Bungle- Bungles is another place to see on my list. I agree, the Aboriginal history and culture is interesting. I've seen the film "Australia". You learn something new everyday. I'm pleased to read that you are all well after your experience with the tow hitch. You're right, it could have been a lot worse. I can't imagine what it's like up there in that heat. What a relief to have the aircond in the van. Where are you now and how did you go with the parts? I hope that you're all well and on your way again ready for another adventure. Well, I better get back to that assignment. I'm looking forward to your next post. I'll be in touch soon.



  4. Looking great guys. Really hoping you have your bits organised and have moved on?? Can't believe that heat! Lots of card games inside we're guessing.
    Fantastic photos again. Makes us want to head back to Darwin. Isn't it so great.
    HOpe that Cloe had a very memorable birthday today. We all thought of her and hope she had fun.
    Keep up the great blogging! We love it.
    Missing you heaps and praying for fun times and safety always!!!
    Team Gomez
