Friday, October 29, 2010

A test run...

A test run using video, please let us know if it works...


  1. Video worked! I wouldn't be game to sit on the toilet, no wonder you flush first. Love the expression on Kais' face, and the matter of fact voice of the commentator. You've added a new dimesnsion to the 'blog', love the Willys

  2. Classic! I think I'd be using your caravan toilet from now on! Love Kai's face and his voice. Jackson couldn't stop laughing. Really enjoying your awesome photos. You have certainly seen some amazing things so far. Love C, N, J & J

  3. Love the photos and the video worked perfectly. Nice place to find a frog - wouldn'd flush though - did you keep trying? AF

  4. hi neighbours...firstly, video didn.t work for us! Miss you all. What awesome photos you are taking! We took a deep breath when viewing the unhitched accommodation!! Cloe and Kai are no doubt having a wonderful time and learning just as you thought. Chooks are good. (Do you need eggs??) Puss is still about and enjoys the company when doing the egg run! Tom doing while Ryan at Quest. Take care, stay safe and thanks for the awesome photo. xxThe Farmers
