Saturday, January 8, 2011

Some memories from Albany

 The Gap

 Ahoy there Captain...

A prize for anyone who can guess how many match sticks were used to build this boat....I'll make it easy for you. Between 3000 and 4000!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you were having fun in Albany before the break! I love counting, but asking how many matches is too hard, I will have a guess though, 3,725. Love the 3D look, it does make a difference to what you see though, doesn't it? There is still a certain smell about the whaling station, I don't think I would have liked to work there; the history is interesting though. Another great shot of Cloe & Kai, and wasn't 'The Gap' awesome too? Still enjoy our coastline, but you have certainly got some magnificent shots of this great country of ours. Thanks again for sharing your trip with us, we have thouroughly enjoyed it. Just waiting now to see you all soon, Love to you all, the Willys
