Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Great Ocean Road, Esperance.


  1. You're keeping the photos up, I never knew there were so many shades of blue! Looks like it was good weather for the windsurfers, though the sheltered beach where everyone was swimming looked like a perfect spot. There are certainly some beautiful beaches and coastline around, aren't there. I'm sure you haven't gotten sick of looking at it though, it never seems to be exactly the same, it is always unique. I think that's part of the beauty, it is always changing. Happy trails, love the Willys x x x x

  2. Hey to the Griffo's,

    It was great to hear from you once again. It's a beautiful part of the country around that area of W.A. You must be loving it. I could tell by the magnificient photos and smiles on those faces. The coastline along Esperance was certainly rugged and splendid. I loved the shots of the windsurfers. I wanted to get one when I was younger. I was amazed at the rock formation and crystal clear water. What a glorious swimming beach. Did you all go for a swim? It must've been fantastic driving along that road to get to all of those places. Wasn't the gap a remarkable landscape. It was great to see Cloe having fun before her rather unfortunate incident. It was great to see Kai enjoying himself too. I guess they enjoy each others' company. That ship would've been fun to explore and kept them amused for some time. That looked like a Blue Whale skeleton. It's astounding how big it is. It must move gracefully through the water. I loved the 3D look. It's unreal watching a movie with those glasses on. Wow, that was quite a achievement to build that boat. It must've taken ages to make it, but certainly worth the patience and effort in the long run. You all continue to have a trip out of this world and that's been incredible to watch. You've still got a long way to go and I trust you'll keep a cheerful and relaxed attitude to life. That's great to see! Thanks for sharing it with me. Guess what Griffo. I've got an interview for that scholarship I applied for. Do you remember? You are one of my referees. Thanks mate.


