Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Cape Le Grande, Esperance. Part Two...

 Checking the tide-line.
 Can you spot "Sonia's" car? One of the coastal drives.

 A couple of "hoods" we picked up along the way.


  1. Hey to the Griffo's,

    I'm really loving those photos. They keep me entertained. That first shot would make an excellent picture to enlarge and hang on a wall. The images help me to relax and reflect on the beauty this land has to offer. It was great to see Cloe keeping herself amused at the beach. What an interesting time she must be having with her broken arm and the excitement of being on holiday! Yes, I can see "Sonia's" car in the distance. Another superb shot I must say! I loved the cloud formations you're getting in some of your photos. It looked like you're getting some fine weather over there too. That surf looked inviting. The waves looked big enough to go surfing. It must be fun driving "Lightening" on those beaches. You've shown a great contrast of the mighty and delicate with your shots of the surf and rock, and flower. You've got a flair for enlightening photographs. Well done! It was also great to capture the family in some of those shots too. Kai looked like he was being cheeky and playful. It was a delight to see. Cape Le Grande certainly was eye catching. It was a pleasure to see the Griffo's taking in the beauty and wonder of it all. Thanks for making me feel a part of it. I look forward to your next blog with great anticipation. Wishing you all a tremendous adventure as you explore this vast and spectacular country of ours.



  2. Hello again, perhaps for the last time on this trip, and in this form. Once again, more great sand (so white), sea(such a beautiful colour, but ever changing), and sky(again, clouds, and colours) shots, not to mention Lightning, Sonia & Cloe, and Andrew, Cloe & Kai gracing the foreground of these great shots. I also love the seagulls in flight, anyone would think that you're into art Griffo! Such a mix with the wildflowers, windmill and the sea in the background, unusual to see them all together. Cloe and Kai looked like they had fun with three handed sandcastle building, I am sure Cloe is finding herself a bit limited with what she can do, but it looks like it is not stopping her too much. Kai is looking cheeky, and being Mr Strongman, and Cloe is looking thoughtful and reflective. I found Sonia's car, it blends in with the sand from a distance. It's surprising you can still drive on the beaches these days, so it is great you got to enjoy it. All photos have beautiful colours, great rock formation (you weren't quick enough Sonia!), and the 'hoods' you picked up didn't look too threatening. Thank you again for the effort you put into sharing your holiday with us, I have loved being a part of your journey. No sleeps now, look forward to seeing you all, love the Willys x x x x
