Thursday, January 6, 2011

news update...

We have experienced a broken car, a broken caravan and now...
you guessed it, a broken arm. Cloe broke her arm in Albany, an accident on a slippery dip.

The surgeon was unable to pin the bone adequately so she ended up requiring a plate. Now that the pain is under control, she is in good spirits.


  1. Well, you didn't need any of them, but Cloe topped it off! Glad she is feeling better, we will have to compare pictures when she gets back. Love to you all, the Willys x

  2. Hey Griffo's,

    Oohh! So sorry to hear about Cloe's arm. That must've been really nasty and poor Cloe must've been in so much pain. I'm pleased that her pain is being managed and she's cheery now. I wonder how it happened on the slippery dip? Oohh! I can't imagine it! I bet Cloe's got a story to tell her friends now. It was not what you needed after those other unpleasant incidents that happened. But I know you won't let these events stop you from continuing with your fantastic journey. It was great to see Cloe and Kai dressing up. I used to love dressing up when I was a kid. I bought my niece a junior masterchef hat and apron for Christmas. It was a good look Cloe and Kai looked ready for action as well. The Margaret River region looked delightful. It must have a reputation for good wine and superb beaches. The table top rock formation in Lake Cave looked fascinating. Another incredible shot by a real pro! Your pictures truly conveyed the outstanding beauty of W.A. It must've been interesting to visit the brewery. I wonder what the different beers tasted like? I hear that Margaret River is a popular surfing spot. They get some big waves over there. I loved the look of those chocolates and poses by Cloe and Kai. It looked like you're having heaps of fun and indulging in plenty of "healthy" activity. I loved the family portrait. It was great to see such a lovely family sharing happy times together. It was great to see you found a camping spot off the beaten track and that lighthouse looked thrilling from up there. I've seen the Giant Tree Top walk on T.V. and always wanted to go there. It looked breathtaking and like so much fun. Way to go Griffo's on another excellent blog! I get a lot of joy out of looking at the pics and reading about your adventures. May this be an invigorating stage in your lives filled with memories of lasting family bonds and special moments.


