Tuesday, January 18, 2011

From Esperance to Wudinna

Our last day at Esperance...

 Cloe spotted a 16 foot long shark. We were able to warn  a couple from Holland, who were swimming near here. They followed us onto the rocks and couldn't believe how big the shark was. They had been travelling around the world and said that the coastline they were enjoying here couldn't be matched anywhere else. They were about to drive up to Exmouth and the Cape Range National Park. I told them they were in for a treat.
 Cloe taking in the view, some amazing colours and coastline.

 The Norseman camels.
 A replica of the horse Norseman. Legend has it that this horse while tied to a tree, uncovered some gold as his hoof kicked some quartz. As a result, Gold fever hit and a new town was born..

 Sunset at our campsite. Unfortunately too windy for us to have our Camp oven meal.
 Guess where?
 A stop over at Fowlers Bay.
 Sunrise and an early start to Wudinna.
 Uncle Willie took us for a drive in his truck. He had a load of Wheat for the Silo's.

Can you spot the famous "Australian Farmer"?


  1. Hey to the Griffo's,

    Wow! You've certainly come a long way since your last blog and taken some magnificent photos of the pristine coastline. The water was so blue and clear and rock formations so prominent and unique. Having Cloe in the picture definitely put the size of those rocks into perpective. It was fortunate she spotted that massive shark and you alerted the tourists. I guess they had to see it for themselves. As I saw from your photos, the coastline was exclusive to that area of W.A. and without a doubt took my breath away. I loved the shot of Cloe showing her outstanding smile. Those Norseman camels were quite a remarkable creation and the story of Norseman was very interesting to learn about. Kai and Cloe looked happy on it's back too. I loved the sign at Cocklebiddy. Whoever made it had a exceptional sense of humour. It was fantastic to see you all "roughing it" at your campsite and I loved the striking red colours on the clouds. It must've been a real treat to camp there. That looked like a photo of The Great Australian Bight. A very rugged and largely untouched part of Australia. The photo of the sand dunes showed how remote this country can be too. It was amazing that you were able to take the caravan onto the beach and explore the splendour of our country. Those colours were striking on the clouds at sunrise as you headed for Wudinna. What was it like to be back in Wudinna? I bet it was great to catch up with family and friends again. I enjoyed seeing smiles on those faces in Uncle Willie's truck. It must've been a fascinating adventure for Cloe and Kai. I guess it was a busy time for Uncle Willie. He had to transport the wheat when it was ready and kept the consumer happy. Yes, I spotted the legendary "Wudinna Farmer". It's been great to keep up with your travels and learn of your activities along the way. You've certainly made it a trip to remember. I've appreciated you sharing it with me and look forward to the next episode of your journey together.



  2. Hey Griffo,

    I've been awarded a Sir Charles Bright Scholarship for 2011. It assists tertiary students who have a disability. It'll make things easier for me financially, and give me confidence and support as I commence the final topic of my social work degree in July. I had you as a referee on my application. You beauty! I'm so happy and excited! Life's great at the moment and it's a good sign for the future. I hope Sonia, Cloe, Kai, and you are well, having heaps of fun and making your trip one to remember for years to come. I look forward to your next blog with anticipation and enthusiasm. May you all experience much joy and pleasure as you continue to explore this great land of ours and spend quality time with each other.


