Thursday, January 27, 2011


Costings for the trip...

We travelled 18167kms, this doesn't include the extra 3000kms to collect the new car.

We used 2819 litres of fuel.

The average Diesel price for our trip around Australia was $1.45.

The overall fuel usage was 15.5litres per 100kms. Prior to Shark Bay this was 14.4 litres per 100kms. The head winds altered our economy considerably.

Average travelling speed was 100 kms. per hour.

Total fuel cost was $4010.00

Total accommodation cost was $2877.00

Associated costs, Nat. Park entrances, Museums, Cruises etc. was $777.00

Total cost for the trip $7664.40

Excluding food this equates to $64.40 per day.

Final comment. We live in an amazing country, filled with fantastic people.

Highlight for the trip....We agreed that although we had many wonderful experiences and saw some spectacular sights, the highlight for each of us was being together 24/7 for 17 weeks. :)

Blogging off....until next time.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

From Esperance to Wudinna

Our last day at Esperance...

 Cloe spotted a 16 foot long shark. We were able to warn  a couple from Holland, who were swimming near here. They followed us onto the rocks and couldn't believe how big the shark was. They had been travelling around the world and said that the coastline they were enjoying here couldn't be matched anywhere else. They were about to drive up to Exmouth and the Cape Range National Park. I told them they were in for a treat.
 Cloe taking in the view, some amazing colours and coastline.

 The Norseman camels.
 A replica of the horse Norseman. Legend has it that this horse while tied to a tree, uncovered some gold as his hoof kicked some quartz. As a result, Gold fever hit and a new town was born..

 Sunset at our campsite. Unfortunately too windy for us to have our Camp oven meal.
 Guess where?
 A stop over at Fowlers Bay.
 Sunrise and an early start to Wudinna.
 Uncle Willie took us for a drive in his truck. He had a load of Wheat for the Silo's.

Can you spot the famous "Australian Farmer"?

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Cape Le Grande, Esperance. Part Two...

 Checking the tide-line.
 Can you spot "Sonia's" car? One of the coastal drives.

 A couple of "hoods" we picked up along the way.

Cape Le Grande, Esperance. Part One...