Monday, December 13, 2010


A few memories from Carnarvon.

 A drive out to the Blow-holes. The new light-house in the distance.

A Banana anyone?
 Reminds us of our Tomato plants back home! Before the water restrictions.


 Sunset at the caravan park, well spotted Caroline.
 Guess who noticed this sign first?
 The train which took us for a 1 mile ride on the Carnarvon jetty. The original steam train was used to transport wool to the ships.

 Cool Garfish dad

 The most famous "Mad-eight" recorded to shear no less than 240 sheep a day....each!

Once upon a time this light-house lived on top of this tower. Crazy winds here.

1 comment:

  1. Hi to the Griffos,

    How's it going? Well, once again you've astounded me with some awesome photos. You must've loved Carnarvon. It looked like an amazing place to visit. The blowholes displayed the forces of nature and were a great sight to behold. You must've been tempted to pick a banana for yourselves and those tomatoes looked ready for the picking as well. Wow, "The Dish" was massive and that sunset beautiful. I bet Kai spotted that fresh fish sign first or was it Griffo? That train looked like it was heaps of fun to ride. It's great that you're taking in all the sights that are on offer on your wonderful trip. Hey Griffo, that garfish you caught was huge and I loved the look on Kai's face. Well done, mate! The "Mad Eight" were full of energy, fit and strong to shear all of those sheep in just one day. It must've taken a lot of effort and been a great feat back in their day. How did that lighthouse manage to remain in one piece after coming away from the top of that tower? I'm flabbergasted! It's fantastic you continue to enjoy yourselves on your national adventure. You're visiting some interesting places along the way. Thanks for sharing your special memories with us back here. It's been great to experience it with you all. What are you plans for Christmas? It's getting closer and, like me, you must be busy getting ready for the special day. I hope all is going to plan for the happy adventurers and look forward to reading your next posting and seeing those amazing photos. Best wishes and happy days to the Griffos.


