Wednesday, October 27, 2010

From the Desert to Water Parks...

A catch up of photos from Katherine to Darwin.

 Spider's view of The Marbles
 Our Dingo friend prior to being startled...
 So we won't mention Bathurst but happy birthday Jacob,Peter and Jackson!  Here we are at Pine Creek at a cut out gold mine.  After $385 million worth they let it fill up with water and now its the town's water supply.   
 Daly Waters; population of 7 with 5 houses.  Famous for people leaving anything from thongs to number plates and money posted all around the pub!  Found the below 2 pieces of writing interesting...

 Andrew couldn't resist parking in between the army trucks for at Adelaide River!! Happy birthday to Thomas and Kirsty too. 
 Remember"Charlie" from Crocodile Dundee;  now an icon in Adelaide River pub.

 Cutta Cutta caves; only tropical limestone caves open to public.  Ghost bats and snakes live here.
 Magnetic termite mounds;  always face east.  Drove onto Darwin and looked at the Mindil markets.  Andrew had some whip cracking lessons from some guy selling whips and could crack them 2 at a time.  Below is a B52 bomber at the Aviation Museum; a gift from America for Australia's involvement in the war.  Andrew bought a dvd of war history for school; very informative.

 Went to Territory Wildlife Park; Andrew fed a Whip-ray which was quite an experience!!  Watched angel fish squirting water at insects to knock them into water with amazing accuracy!  Below; kids feeding fish at Aqua-scene in Darwin Harbor.

 In Darwin there was a fantastic water park; we, I mean the kids had a ball!! 

1 comment:

  1. So, who had the most fun at the water park, & where's the photos? Looking good surrounded by army trucks, a bit flasher though. Looks as though you are in holiday mode, looking relaxed, so hope that's the case. It's all a feast for the eyes, isn't it! Thanks for sharing, love the Willys
